Safety Rules: Preparing to Play

By October 8, 2020Adult Leagues

Safety Rules:





Wash your hands with soap and water (for 20 seconds or longer), or use a hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available, before going to the court. 





Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles. Do not share racquets or any other equipment such as wristbands, grips, hats and towels.





Bring a full water bottle to avoid touching a tap or water fountain handle. 





Use new balls and a new grip, if possible. 




When not actively playing, please adhere to all proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and facemask protocols.





If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or upper sleeve.





Arrive as close as possible to when you need to be there.





Avoid touching court gates, fences, benches, etc., if you can.







Try to stay at least six feet apart from other players. Do not make physical contact with them (such as shaking hands or a high five).




Avoid touching your face after handling a ball, racquet or other equipment. Wash your hands promptly if you have touched your eyes, nose or mouth.





Use your racquet/foot to pick up balls and hit them to your opponent. Avoid using your hands to pick up the balls.
Remain apart from other players when taking a break. 







When playing doubles, coordinate with your partner to maintain physical distancing.





Avoid sharing food, drinks or towels. 






Maintain physical distancing if changing ends of the court.





If a ball from another court comes to you, send it back with a kick or with your racquet.




Use Four Balls or Six Balls

Although unlikely, it’s possible that a tennis ball can transmit the COVID-19 virus, as virtually any hard surface can transmit the disease. So here is an extra precaution you can take to keep safe when playing tennis:

Open two cans of tennis balls that do not share the same number on the ball. Take one set of numbered balls, and have your playing partner take a set of balls from the other can.

Proceed with play, making sure to pick up your set of numbered balls only. Should a ball with the other number wind up on your side of the court, do not touch the ball with your hands. Use your racquet head or feet to advance the ball to the other side of the court.



  • Leave the court as soon as reasonably possible.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly or use a hand sanitizer after coming off the court.
  • Do not use the locker room or changing area. Shower at home. 
  • No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. No congregation after playing. 
  • All players should leave the facility immediately after play


                                   OTHER HELPFUL INFO  (pages 2-6 explains Levels of COVID-19 Risk and Considerations for Changing Community Action)


Terry StJohn

Author Terry StJohn

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