Fields marked with * are required

We are a volunteer-driven organization, and we welcome and appreciate assistance with our programs and activities. There are several ways you can volunteer to help us grow the sport of tennis in Greater Houston. Please take a moment to complete the following form and tell us a bit about yourself and your interests. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

Again, thank you very much for your interest.

    Your Interests

    Are You Interested in Helping with Tournaments? *

    Are You Interested in Serving on the Board of Directors? *

    Are You Interested in Serving on Our Advisory Board? *

    Are You Interested in Serving on Committees? *

    If you are open to serving on a committee, which ones interest you? If you would like to review committee descriptions, you can click here to open the Volunteer FAQs in a new window without losing your place on this form.

    Please Check All that Apply
    National Junior Tennis & Learning (NJTL)Adult LeaguesScholarship & NominatingJunior Team Tennis (JTT) & Youth Tennis PathwayFundraising & SponsorshipCommunications & MarketingDiscipline & GrievanceVolunteer ManagementInfrastructure Development