Ann Wilde

Melinda Hampton

March 2025 Newsletter

Team registration for USTA 18+ and USTA 40+ mixed leagues continues through March 28. Included in the calendar is a new men’s USTA 18+ Monday night league.


February 2025 Newsletter

Houston’s 5.0 Tri-Level team captained by Crystal Fain, has qualified for the Tom Fey Tri-Level National Invitational tournament which will be held in March 2025 in San Diego, California, at the Barnes Tennis Center & Balboa Tennis Club. Team members with Fain are Kimberly Elliott, Lauren Gutterman, Anjali Iyer, Alex Kornajcik, Renata Neaton, Diana Tully, Kendall Vincent and Hannah Watson.


January 2025 Newsletter



December 2024 Newsletter

League registration begins December 6



Sectional Winners


At the Mixed 55 & Over Sectionals in Corpus Christi, Captains David Wang and Diem Pham led their team to the 7.0 championships, and Michael Spearman’s team was the 9.0 NOHO champions.

Team members of the 7.0 team were Noriko Chandler, Sheryl Cohen, Frankie Erickson, Jeff Hechler, Ronnie Kwan, Bobby Lim Jr, Randy Marino, Faresh Mehta, Therese O’Connor, Janet Tran, Wang, Melanie Wong and Bill Wong.

Members of the 9.0 mixed team were Vicki Buholz, Laurie Capra, Karin Farquhar, Alfredo Garcia, Blanton Hansen, Phong Regent, Spearman, Terri Thyssen, James Wooten and Glenn Wright.

The NOHO team captained by Karen Doss won the 65 & Over 9.0 League Sectionals at the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. The roster includes Norri Collier, Sharon Coudert, Lori Johnson, Courtney Mayer, Holly Perry, Pamela Sommer, Donna Sunderhaft, Emily Swenson and Doss.  Photos courtesy of USTA Texas


November 2024 Newsletter

Sectional Winners

Captains Anh Troung and James Bui guided their mixed 9.0 team to victory in Abilene at the Texas 2024 18 & Over Mixed League Section championships in September. They will compete in the national tournament in November at the USTA National Campus in Orlando, Fla.

Team members are Don Bae, James Bui, Lawrence Chang, Julie Diep, Linh Do, Kimberly Elliott, Crystal Fain, Alex Kornajcik, Jeson Li, Angela Li, Linh Nguyen, Gia Khanh Nguyen, Gorby Nguyen, Anh Truong, Lening Wang, Changwei Wei and Syung You. Photo courtesy of USTA Texas

National Finalists

The Houston team captained by Marissa Valentine-King were finalists in the Adult 18 & Over 5.0 women’s event at the USTA National Championships in Scottsdale, Arizona, in October. Team members are Melissa Ariza, Marina Vigil Celorio, Lauren Gutterman, Ana Guzman, Angela Li, Annie Tarwater, Marissa Valentine-King, Hannah Watson and Changwei Wei. They were bested by Intermountain in the finals.



October 2024 Newsletter

Teams from across Texas faced off September 6-8 in Georgetown for the Texas 2024 USTA 40 & Over Mixed League Section Championships. The 8.0 Houston team, captained by Thy Regent and Phong Regent, won their division and will compete nationally in San Diego in November. Team members are Robby Clarkson, Lynn Dinh, Timothy Green, Tomas Huynh, Huyen Lam, Alan Lee, John Lu, Thai Nguyen, Brooke Parry, Yvonne Puente, Phong Regent, Thy Regent, Stacy Tea, David Yang and Daniel Young. Photo courtesy USTA Texas


September 2024 Newsletter

Houston’s Women’s 4.5 team, captained by Thy Regent and Crystal Fain, won their Sectional matches in Dallas and will compete in the USTA League Nationals in Surprise, Arizona, in November. Team members are Kristin Barnes, Jennifer Chien, Stephanie Dudzinski, Melody Duong, Kimberly Elliott, Crystal Fain, Alex Kornajcik, Sylvia Le, Amanda Lenss, Allison Lui, Emma Nguyen, Cayleigh Simpson, Melissa Stryker, Mary Volf, Thao Westenhaver, Sara Wilks, Kaye Williams, Candice Wright and Elizabeth Zdeblick. Photo courtesy of USTA Texas


August 2024 Newsletter 

Congratulations to the City Wide winners who have advanced to Sectionals!

18+ Ladies 3.5 Flight Winners

3.5 I      MPTC Queens of the Court       Captain – Kristen Montalvo

3.5 II     HFTC Mighty Macs                      Captain – Lois Canady

3.5 III    LLTC Setsy Ladies                       Captain – Kim Pataky

3.5 IV    Cinco Ranch Slammers             Captain – Nicki McDonald

3.5 V     Sweetwater Twilight Sisters      Captain – Siri Vann


18+ 3.5 Champions

LLCTC Setsy Ladies                                  Captain – Kim Pataky


18+  4.0 Ladies Flight Winners

4.0 I      Forest Oaks –

  Chicks with Stickzs                              Captain – Monica Roberts

4.0 II     Houston Christian –

    Hustle & Shine                                    Captain – Eliabeth Ogden

4.0 III    MPTC Top Spinners             Captain – Lynette Mendoza

4,0 IV    LLTC Sets in the City            Captain – Mary Le


18+ 4.0  Ladies Champions

MPTC Top Spinners                             Captain – Lynette Mendoza


18+ 4.5 Champions

MPTC GNO                                              Captain – Thy Regent


18+ Men Flight Winners

3,5 I      LLTC No Regrets                     Captain – Max Deleon

3.5 II     LLTC – Zealots                        Captain – Eric Storey

3.5 III    Mason Creek – Crushers           Captain – Thomas Doggett


18+ Men 3.5 Champions

LLTC Zealots                                           Captain – Eric Storey


18+ Men 4.0 Flight Winners

4,0 I      LLTC – No Regrets                 Captain – Hendrick Suwirjo

4.0 II     Cinco Ranch Rosewood

   Katy Challengers                              Captain — Sunil Shalia

4.0 III    MPTC Thor                            Captain — Freddy Soewito


18+ Men 4.0   Champions

LLTC No Regrets                                  Captain – Hendrick Suwirjo


18+ Men 4.5 Flight Winners

4.5 I  MPTC Good Guys                       Captain – Kien Luu

4.5 II  Missouri City – Dad Bods       Captain – Justin Chang


18+ Men 4.5 Champions       

MPTC Hulk                                               Captain – Freddy Soewito


18+ 7.0 Mixed Doubles Flight Winners

7.0 I  Missouri City –

              Junior Mixed Nuts                   Captain – Warren Diec

7.0 II  Walnut Bend Gladiators         Captain – Chris Cucchiara


18+ 7.0  Mixed Doubles Champions

7.0  Walnut Bend Gladiators               Captain – Chris Cucchiara



18+ Mixed Doubles 8.0 Flight Winners

8.0 I  Missouri City – Mixed Nuts          Captain – Tri Pham

8.0 II Plaza Oaks Gladiators                  Captain – Matthew Nafziger


18+ 8.0 Mixed Doubles Champions

Missouri City Mixed Nuts                       Captain – Tri Pham                    






July 2024 Newsletter

On to Nationals!

Men’s 55 & Over 7.0


Women’s 40 & Over 4.0


Men’s 55 & Over 8.0


Women’s 40 & Over 4.5/Photos courtesy USTA Texas


Congratulations to the teams qualifying for National competition—USTA 40+ Ladies 4.5 (ROCC, Emma Nguyen, captain); USTA 40+ Ladies (4.0 MPTC, Marian Hilpert, captain); USTA 40+ Men Noho 4.5 (Mike Spearman, captain); USTA 55+ Men 8.0 Noho (Mike Spearman, captain); and Ladies 3.5, 4.0. 4.5 Tri Level (LLTC Different Strokes, Anjali Iyer, captain).

The Ladies 40+ 4.5 includes Michelle Campbell, Jennifer Chien, Kathleen Dizon, Chelsea Grear, Paige Hagle, Anjali Iyer, Sarah-Jane Jackett, Tara Kim, Allison Lui, Katie McCord, Tammy Nasse, Molly Neff, Emma Nguyen, Melissa Stryker, Mary Volf and Kaye Williams.

Members of the Ladies 40+ 4.0 team include Lou Black, Suzanne Faulk, Michele Friedman, Kellie Gross, Anna Claire Hankamer, Marian Hilpert, Kelly Labanowski, Samantha Morrison, Jennifer Ray, Thy Regent, Stephanie Sanders, Mary Tran, Diana Tully, Beatrice Vallejo and Kendall Vincent.

The 40+ 4.5 men’s team roster includes Opeyemi Saheed Babalola, Tony Brown, Robert Cantrell, Daniel Duplechin, Alfredo Garcia, Mario Garcia, Alejandro Lara Gugel, Byron Hailey, Patrick Neal, Woodson Rogers, Kevin Sharp, Michael Spearman, Johannes Spille, Hector Villegas, Jason Ylizarde, Rob Young and Bill Zindler.

Members of the men’s 55+ 7.0 NoHo team are Eric Fredricksen (captain), Patrick Friday, Bob Hanlon, Michael Howe, Justo Marin, Gene McCarron, David Peterson, Mark Ramsey and Gerald Tyler.

55+ 8.0 NoHo team members are Rene Alzuro, Werner Baer, Luis Cobo, Tom Flematti, David Hall, Jim Hamilton, Blanton Hansen, Michael Kelly, Luis Masroua, Thomas Rapson, Allen Sanders, Thomas Sawaya, Michael Spearman, Carter Ullrich, Charles Vetters and James Wooten.

The Tri-Level Different Strokes team consists of Anjali Iyer, Katy Balli, Kimberly Elliott, Giang Dinh, Lillian Lam, Emma Nguyen, Renata Neaton, Diana Tully, Joyce Wang, Debanjolee Das, Natalie Mufarrige, Crystal Fain and Diam Pham.



June 2024 Newsletter

USTA Combo & Tri Level League 

Team registration opened May 31 and closes June 28.

Combo – Sundays at 4 p.m.

Tri Level – Men Monday evening; Ladies Wednesday evenings 

Start dates 

Combo – July 14

Tri Level – Men July 22; Ladies July 24 

Completion Deadline – September 15 

Matches are played at home team facilities/ 

Roster Minimum 6 

Roster Maximum 14 

To request a team ID please provide:

League, Division, Home Facility, Team Name

Link to Combo Information Here 

Link to Tri Level information Here 

USTA 65+

Team registration opens June 7 and closes June 28.

Ladies Tuesday evening starting July 9.

Men’s Thursday evening starting July 11.

Completion deadline September 15.

To request a team ID please provide:

League, Division, Home Facility, Team Name

Adult 65 & Over League

Tennis is the game of a lifetime! Players 65 and over compete in doubles teams with combined NTRP ratings.          

Congratulations to the 55-and-over 7.0 and 8.0 NOHO teams winning Sectionals and heading to Nationals!

Above: 55 & Over 7.0 NOHO team–Captain: Eric Fredricksen; Roster: Eric Fredricksen, Patrick Friday, Bob Hanlon, Michael Howe, Justo Marin, Gene McCarron, David Peterson, Mark Ramsey, Gerald Tyler; Photo courtesy USTA Texas

Above: 55 & Over 8.0 NOHO team: Captains: Mike Spearman; Roster: Rene Alzuro, Werner Baer, Luis Cobo, Tom Flematti, David Hall, Jim Hamilton, Blanton Hansen, Michael Kelly, Luis Masroua, Thomas Rapson, Allen Sanders, Thomas Sawaya, Michael Spearman, Carter Ullrich, Charles Vetters, James Wooten; Photo Courtesy USTA Texas



May 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter


National 40 & Over 3.5 Men’s champions–Lee LeClear Tennis Center team (Photo courtesy USTA)

National 18 & Over 3.5 men’s champions–Homer Ford Tennis Center team (Photo courtesy USTA)


March 2024 Newsletter



February 2024 Newsletter

Congratulations to Captain Anjali Iyer’s 4.5 team,

which will represent Texas at the Tom Frey (Tri-Level) Invitational Championships in San Diego in March. The team won their division at the Texas Section competition in late January in Georgetown, Texas. Tri-Level League involves teams of players with rankings across three NTRP levels who compete together in doubles matches.

Team members include Katy Balli, Debanjolee Das, Giang Dinh, Kimberly Elliott, Crystal Fain, Anjali Iyer, Lillian Lam, Natalie Mufarrige, Renata Neaton, Emma Nguyen, Diem Pham, Diana Tully and Joyce Wang.


January 2024 Newsletter

HTA Spring League

USTA 40+

USTA 55+

 Team Registration Open

Deadline to form a team:

January 5 (no exceptions)

  • All teams may request a Team ID number with a confirmed/approved facility open for league play. 
  • When requesting a team ID please note the league, division, home facility and team name. Team IDs will be distributed, and public courts will be allocated when team ID requests have all the required information above.  All teams will retain their spots at public facilities from spring of 2023.
    The league registration fee is $32, plus $3 Tennislink fee per league. 


To request a Team ID number or form a new team, please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to join, please email Melinda Hampton at


December 2023 Newsletter

HTA Spring League

USTA 40+

USTA 55+

 Team Registration Open

Deadline to form a team:

January 5 (no exceptions)

  • All teams may request a Team ID number with a confirmed/approved facility open for league play. 
  • When requesting a team ID please note the league, division, home facility and team name. Team IDs will be distributed, and public courts will be allocated when team ID requests have all the required information above.  All teams will retain their spots at public facilities from spring of 2023.
    The league registration fee is $32, plus $3 Tennislink fee per league. 


To request a Team ID number or form a new team, please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to join, please email Melinda Hampton at

2024 League Offerings Updates



November 2023 Newsletter

Congrats to Houston’s Texas and National League champions!

Two Houston tennis teams, representing the USTA Texas Section and both captained by Jason Freeman and Chris Wideman, captured national league titles this month. The men’s 18 & Over 3.5 team defeated a team from Grandville, Michigan, 3-1 in the championship match held at the El Conquistador Tennis at Pusch Ridge Tennis Center in Tucson, Arizona. Team members include Freeman, Wideman, Pin Chiu, Tin Dang, Connor Ha, Chad Harris, Bruce Inting, Ronnie Kwan, John Lu, Faresh Mehta, Thomas Rapson, Chris Reese, Eric Schultz, Victor Tan, Michael Tran, Jason Turpen, Garrett Van Osdell, Ernest Wang, Yi Zhou and plays at the Lee Le Clear Tennis Center. One week later Freeman and Wideman’s 40 & Over 3.5 team defeated opponents from Southern California 3-2 in the championship match at the Surprise Tennis & Racquet Complex in Surprise, Arizona. Team members include Freeman, Wideman, James Burks, Pin Chiu, Michael Drake, Chris Engelbert, Tyler Freeman, Connor Ha, Iliya Hamdamov, Chad Harris, Bruce Inting, Ronnie Kwan, Andrew Kwan, John Lu, Liam O’Brien, Thomas Rapson, Eric Schultz, Michael Tran, Ernest Wang and plays at the Homer Ford Tennis Center.


Congratulations to the Houston Combo teams that won Sectionals in Corpus Christi. The 8.5 team, captained by Anjali Iyer, is composed of Debanjolee Das, Kimberly Elliott, Crystal Fain, Natalie Mufarrige, Renata Neaton, Emma Nguyen, Samantha Russem and Diana Tully. Team members on the 9.5 combo team are Captain Crystal Fain, Melissa Ariza, Stephanie Dudzinski, Kimberly Elliott, Alex Kornajcik, Angela Li, Zalina Nazarova, Marissa Valentine-King and Hannah Watson. Combo teams do not advance to Nationals.

October 2023 Newsletter

On to Nationals

Ten Houston and NoHo Sectional winning teams will compete in National team competition this fall.

The men’s 18+ 3.5 Wild Houston team captained by Jason Freeman and Chris Wideman, traveled to Surprise, Arizona, for the September 29-October 1 tournament.

Teams competing in Tucson, Arizona, in October are the women’s 40+ NoHo 3.5 team, captained by Dyann Spearman; and the men’s 40+ 3.5 men, captained by Freeman.

Surprise, Arizona, will host the men’s 18+ 4.0 NoHo team, captained by Michael Spearman, and the 18+ 8.0 mixed doubles team, captained by Freddy Soewito, in October. The 40+ mixed 7.0 Mixed Nuts, captained by Thai Nguyen, will compete in Surprise in November.

Orlando, Florida, welcomes the 55+ NoHo 8.0 men’s team, captained by Spearman, and 55+ 7.0 men’s team, captained by David Wang, in October.

NoHo’s Spearman takes his 40+ 4.0 men’s team to San Diego in late October and his 40+ 8.0 mixed team to San Diego in November.

September 2023 Newsletter

The men’s NOHO 4.0 18-and-over team beat San Antonio in the Sectionals semifinals and Laredo in the finals to win the championship.  Team members in the photo are Chad Johnson, Lous Masroua, Mike Martin, Mike Caldarella, Rafeal Giorgana, Cary Chapman, Michael Spearman (captain), Chris Micklitz, Jason Berilgen, Saheed Babalola, Jim Wooten, Brandt Dozier.  Missing from the photo are Phil Kerig (co-captain), Grant Lopez, Mike Ryan, Ricky Patel and Tim Blanchard.


Wild Houston won the Texas men’s 18-and-over 3.5 league championships in Dallas and will advance to the USTA League Nationals. Jason Freeman and Chris Wideman are captains, and the roster includes James Burks, Pin Chiu, Michael Drake, Chris Engelbert, Tyler Freeman, Connor Ha, Iliya Hamdamov, Chad Harris, Bruce Inting, Ronnie Kwan, Andrew Kwan, John Lu, Liam O’Brien, Thomas Rapson, Eric Schultz, Michael Tran and Ernest Wang. Photos courtesy of USTA Texas

August 2023 Newsletter

HTA Fall League Team Registration Open

Deadline to form a team:

 August 25 (no exceptions)

  • All teams may request a Team ID number with a confirmed/approved facility open for league play.
  • When requesting a team ID please note the league, division, home facility and team name. Team IDs will be distributed, and public courts will be allocated when team ID requests have all the required information above.

The league registration fee is $32, plus $3 Tennislink fee per league.

To request a Team ID number or form a new team, please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to join, please email Melinda Hampton at

City Wide Championship Winning Teams

18+ Ladies

3.0 LLTC Love and Bagels Captain Annie Chau
3.5 Windsor Park Lakes—Setsy Ladies Captain Kim Pataky
4.0 Briar Club 4.0 Captain Jennifer Ray
4.5 MPTC Slice, Slice Baby Captain Alex Kornajcik

18+ Men

3.5 LLTC No Regrets Captain Hendrick Suwirjo
4.0 MPTC Good Guys Captain Kien Luu
4.5 Good Guys Captain Dave Patangia

July 2023 Newsletter

USTA Combo & Tri Level League

Team Registration Opens May 12, closing July 7

Combo – Sundays at 4 p.m.

Tri Level – Men Monday evening; Ladies Wednesday evenings

Start dates

Combo – July 23

Tri Level – Men July 17; Ladies July 19

Completion Deadline – August 30

Matches are played at home team facilities

Roster Minimum 6, Roster Maximum 14

Link to Combo Information Here

Link to Tri Level information Here



Congratulations to Sectional winners heading to Nationals!

Photos courtesy USTA Texas




7.0 1     Woodlands Cranebrook Deucebags                Captain Luis Gonzalez
7.0 II     Westside Gladiators                                         Captain Chris Cucchiara
7.0 III    Westside Sweet & Salty                                   Captain Rick Cannon
8.0 1     Hearthstone Mixed Nuts                                  Captain Carrie Villarreal
8.0 II     Missouri City Mixed Nuts                                 Captain Devin Le
8.0 III    South Shore Psycho Bunny                             Captain Beatrice Vallejo
9.0 I      Lee LeClear 9.0                                                Captain Bill Zindler


4.0 I      Lee LeClear 4.0                                                Captain Daniel Viassolo
4.0 II     Memorial Park Good Guys                              Captain Kien Luu
4.5 I      HFTC Venom                                                   Captain Freddy Soewito


3.0 I      Kingwood Goldfish                                           Captain Bobbie Glasscock
3.5 I      Cinco Ranch Slammers                                    Captain Nicki McDonald
3.5 II     Sweetwater 3.5                                                 Captain Siri Vann
3.5 III    New Territory Passing Shots                            Captain Mary Asnaashan
3.5 IV   Lost Forest Mood Swings                                 Captain Anna Cross
4.0 I     Lifetime Galleria Uptown Girls                          Captain Jaree Lee
4.0 II    Woodlands CB Funky Bounce                           Captain Mary Lou Sus
4.0 III   Cross Creek Simply Smashing                          Captain Jennifer Korando
4.0 IV   MP Alley Cats                                                   Captain Kim Pataky
4.0 V    Lifetime Galleria 4.0                                          Captain Claudette Callebs
4.5 I     Homer Ford Go Getters                                    Captain Irma Peterson
4.5 II    Memorial Park GNO                                          Captain Crystal Fain


3.0 I     Lost Forest 3.0                                                  Captain Kat Creech
3.5 I     Lost Forest all the Single Ladies                       Captain Leyla Martinez
4.0 I     Cinco Ranch W Drop Shots                              Captain Michelle Griffith
Open    Memorial Park Open                                       Captain Emma Nguyen     


3.5 I      Memorial Park Relics                                        Captain Nathan Overstreet
3.5 II     Willowfork Wildcats                                          Captain Kent Buster
4.0 I      Ad-In Warriors                                                  Captain Parker Dobson
4.0 II     Memorial Park Good Guys                               Captain Kien Luu
4.5 I      Cross Creek Drink Team                                  Captain Francisco Coello
Open I   Lee LeClear Deucebags                                  Captain Daniel Morales


3.5 I       Cinco Ranch W Ace Kickers                           Captain Julia Holder
3.5 II      Kingwood 3.5                                                 Captain Tanya Robinson
3.5 III     Memorial Park Serviors                                  Captain Bonnie Horton
4.0 I       Cinco Ranch W Tennis Angels                       Captain Angeli Zhang
4.0 II      Briar Club 4.0                                                  Captain Jennifer Ray



June 2023 Newsletter

USTA 65+

Men Thursday Evenings, Ladies Tuesday Evenings

League season: July 11 – August 31

Team Registration Ends – June 30

USTA 55+ Mixed

Sunday 4 p.m.

League season July 23 – September 10

Team Registration Ends –  June 30


USTA Combo & Tri Level League

Team Registration Opens May 12, closing July 7

Combo – Sundays at 4 p.m.

Tri Level – Men Monday evening; Ladies Wednesday evenings

Start dates

Combo – July 23

Tri Level – Men July 17; Ladies July 19

Completion Deadline – August 30

Matches are played at home team facilities

Roster Minimum 6, Roster Maximum 14

Link to Combo Information Here

Link to Tri Level information Here


Congratulations to Houston’s 55+ 7.0 team, captained by David Wang,
that won Sectionals and will advance to the National tournament in Orlando in October.


Congratulations to the HTA Spring League Winners!



7.0 I     Woodlands Cranebrook Deucebags   Captain Kevin Whitenight

7.0 II    Westside Gladiators                          Captain Chris Cucchiara

7.0 III   Westside Sweet & Salty                     Captain Rick Cannon

8.0 I     Hearthstone Mixed Nuts                    Captain Carrie Villarreal

8.0 II    Missouri City Mixed Nuts                   Captain Devin Le

8.0 III   South Shore Psycho Bunny                Captain Beatrice Vallejo

9.0 I     Lee Le Clear 9.0                                  Captain Bill Zindler


3.0 I     Kingwood Goldfish                             Captain Bobbie Glasscock

3.5 I     Cinco Ranch Slammers                       Captain Nicki McDonald

3.5 II    Sweetwater 3.5                                   Captain Siri Vann

3.5 III   New Territory Passing Shots               Captain Mary Ann Asnaashari

3.5 IV   Lost Forest Mood Swings                   Captain Anna Cross

4.0 I     Lifetime Galleria Uptown Girls           Captain Jaree Lee

4.0 II    Woodlands CB Funky Bounce            Captain Mary Lou Suss

4.0 III   Cross Creek Simply Smashing            Captain Jennifer Korando

4.0 IV   MP Alley Cats                                     Captain Kim Pataky

4.0 V    Lifetime Galleria 4.0                           Captain Claudette Callebs

4.5 I     Homer Ford Go Getters                      Captain Irma Peterson

4.5 II    Memorial Park GNO                           Captain Crystal Fain


3.0 I     Lost Forest 3.0                                   Captain Kat Creech

3.5 I     Lost Forest All the Single Ladies         Captain Leyla Martinez

4.0 I     Cinco Ranch W Drop Shots                Captain Michelle Griffith

Open I Memorial Park Open                          Captain Emma Nguyen


3.5 I     Memorial Park Relics                          Captain Nathan Overstreet

3.5 II    Willowfork Wildcats                           Captain Kent Buster

4.0 I     Ad-In Warriors                                   Captain Parker Dobson

4.0 II    Memorial Park Good Guys                 Captain Kien Luu        

4.5 I     Cross Creek Drink Team                     Captain Francisco Coello

Open I Lee Le Clear Duecebags                     Captain Daniel Morales


3.5 I     Cinco Ranch W Ace Kickers                 Captain Julia Holder

3.5 II    Kingwood 3.5                                      Captain Tanya Robinson

3.5 III   Memorial Park Servivors                    Captain Bonnie Horton

4.0 I     Cinco Ranch W Tennis Angels             Captain Angeli Zhang

4.0 II    Briar Club 4.0                                      Captain Jennifer Ray


3.0       Lost Forest 3.0                                     Captain Leyla Martinez

3.5       Windsor Park Lakes Stars at Night      Captain Kim Pataky

4.0       Lee Le Clear Purple Reign                   Captain Jennifer Scheps

4.5       River Oaks ROCC Stars                        Captain Emma Nguyen


4.5       Riverbend 4.5                                      Captain Tawn Vo


3.5       Lee Le Clear 3.5                                   Captain Jason Freeman

4.0       Missouri City 4.0                                 Captain Chris Wideman

4.5       Lee Le Clear Old School                      Captain Allen Teague


7.0       Missouri City Sisterettes                     Captain Mercedes Madamba

8.0       Lee Le Clear Too Fit to Quit                Captain Rini Pinfold

9.0       Lee Le Clear Quiet Winning                Captain Thao Westenhaver


7.0       Lee Le Clear Tennis Bums                   Captain David Wang

8.0       Woodlands Lakeside 8.0                     Captain Chris Wideman

9.0       Green Hills Estates Old School           Captain Allen Teague


May 2023 Newsletter

USTA Combo & Tri Level League

Team Registration Opens May 12, closing July 7

Combo – Sundays at 4 p.m.

Tri Level – Men Monday evening; Ladies Wednesday evenings

Start dates

Combo – July 23

Tri Level – Men July 17; Ladies July 19

Completion Deadline – August 30

Matches are played at home team facilities

Roster Minimum 6

Roster Maximum 14

Link to Combo Information Here

Link to Tri Level information Here

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April 2023 Newsletter

Coming in May! National Tennis Month

March 2023 Newsletter

Registration for USTA 18+ Ladies & Men, USTA 18+ Mixed Doubles and USTA 40+ Mixed Doubles opens March 3.

  • All teams may request a Team ID number with a confirmed/approved facility open for league play.  USTA 18+ leagues will require 3 courts at 7 p.m. or 8:30.
  • When requesting a team ID please note the league, division, home facility and team name. Team IDs will be distributed when information is provided.
  • Teams that secured public facility courts for USTA 18+ leagues in 2022 will retain courts.


February 2023 Newsletter

When is it too cold and/or too windy to play?

The home captain determines the conditions at the match site.  If any of the following extreme weather conditions exist, either captain may reschedule the match.

  • Actual temperature is 40 degrees or below; OR wind chill factor 32 degrees or below;
  • Sustained winds 30 mph or higher

The home captain determines conditions at the match site and is responsible for notifying the visiting captain at least one hour prior to match start time.

To reschedule a match cancelled due to inclement weather, captains should follow the same rule as for a rain make-up.


January 2023 Newsletter



December 2022 Newsletter


November 2022 Newsletter

The Houston Lucky Aces, who won the mixed 8.0 Sectional Championships, will compete for the national title in Surprise, Arizona, this November. The team, captained by Thy Regent, is comprised of Lynn Dinh, Bethuel Gabriel, Timothy Green, Tomas Huynh, Leslie Mandeville, Michael Martinez, Mark Mattson, Thai Nguyen, Phong Regent, Stacy Tea and Muchun Wan.


Tri Level league team registration opened October 10 and continues through November 4.  Tri Level will be played at Homer Ford Tennis Center November 11-13.
Here is the link to USTA Texas Tri Level league information:
Here is the link to National Tri Level Rules and Player Qualification Guidelines/Eligibility:
Tri Level League National Fact Sheet (1)


October 2022 Newsletter

Tri Level league team registration will open October 10 and continue through November 4.  Tri Level will be played at Homer Ford Tennis Center November 11-13.
Here is the link to USTA Texas Tri Level league information:
Here is the link to National Tri Level Rules and Player Qualification Guidelines/Eligibility:
Tri Level League National Fact Sheet (1)

Congratulations to teams qualifying for the USTA Combo Sectionals


6.5 – No Excuses – Captain, Lois Canady 

7.5 – Terminetters – Captain, Angeli Zhang

8.5 – No Strings Attached – Captain, Leen Laricci

9.5 – Carlson – Captain, Stefanie Carlson


6.5 – Houston Mercs – Captain, Julian Vela

8.5 – Just For Fun – Captain, Mark Leavenworth




September 2022 Newsletter

USTA COMBO Weekend League Tournament Offerings Winners advance to Sectionals!

September 16-18, Homer Ford Tennis Center

Tournament Format

3 lines of doubles

Roster Guidelines

Roster minimum 6 players
Roster maximum 14 players

Use 2021 End of Year ratings

Players may participate on one team only

Partners’ rating cannot exceed team level

1.0 or less rating difference allowed for partners

Levels Offered

Men 6.5, 7.5, 8.5
Ladies 6.5, 7.5, 8.5

Important Dates

September 9, have 6 players registered
September 13, Schedules Posted on Tennislink
Tournament winners advance to USTA Texas Sectionals October 14-16 in Corpus Christi

Players must play at least one match locally to play Sectionals. No National event.

*Not a National program so the move-up split does not apply*

To obtain a Team ID, please email Ann Wilde at


August 2022 Newsletter

Citywide Championship results are in!  Congratulations to the winning teams!


Men’s 3,5–Homer Ford Zealots, Captain Eric Storey

Men’s 4.0—LLTC Racquet Knights, Captain Joseph Shum

Men’s 4.5—MPTC Good Guys, Captain Dave Patangia

Men’s 5.0—Westside Church Group, Captain Guillermo Cosson

Ladies 3.0—Missouri City What a Deuce, Captain Annie Chau

Ladies 3.5—Memorial Club Haute Shots, Captain Veronica Barnhill

Ladies 4.0—MPTC Lord of the Strings, Captain Blakeley Thomas

Ladies 4.5—LLTC-GNO, Captain Thy Regent


Ladies 3.5—Memorial Club Haute Shots, Captain Veronica Barnhill

Ladies 4.0—MPTC Vol-Pert 4.0, Captain Mary Volf

Ladies 4.5—LLTC Wharton, Captain Charlotta Wharton

Men’s 3.5—Memorial Club Warriors, Captain Rick Cannon

Men’s 4.0—LLTC Racquet Smasher, Captain Joseph Shum

Men’s 4.5—LLTC Teague, Captain Allen Teague

18+ Mixed

7.0—Westside Mercenaries, Captain Julian Vela

8.0—Missouri City Mixed Nuts, Captain Trung Trinh

9.0—LLTC Swingers, Captain Alain Tran

40+ Mixed

7.0—Missouri City Mixin’ It Up, Captain Diem Pham

8.0—MPTC Lucky Aces, Captain Thy Regent

9.0—LLTC Swingers, Captain Alain Tran

55+ Ladies

7.0—HFTC Sr. Mighty Macs, Captain Lois Canady

8.0—Doubles or Nothin’, Captain Mary Beth Flahety

Men’s 55+

7.0—LLTC Shades of Gray, Captain David Wang

8.0—Lifetime Galleria, Captain William Mao

9.0—LLTC Teague, Captain Allen Teague

Updated Fall League offerings




July 2022 Newsletter

Four Houston women’s teams (two HTA and two NoHo) won USTA 40+ Sectionals and are going to Nationals.  They are:

USTA 40+ Women’s 3.0, Lucky Strings from The Woodlands, captain Julie Warrington

USTA 40+ Women’s 3.5, Haute Shots from Memorial Club, captains Kim Pataky and Veronica Barnhill

USTA 40+ Women’s 4.0, Vol-Pert from Memorial Park Tennis Center, captains Mary Volf and Marian Hilpert

USTA 40+ Women’s 4.5, LLTC-Miller–captains Tawn Vo and Donna Miller

(See photos and rosters.)



June 2022 Newsletter

2022 HTA Fall League Offerings


May 2022 Newsletter

2022 HTA Spring League Results

Mixed Doubles Sunday Winners/Runners-up

7.0 Flight I
LLTC Sweet Shots (16) Captain Kelly Griffin
MP Tennis Titans (18) Captain Elizabeth Mooney

7.0 Flight II
Westside Mercenaries (20) Captains Julian Vega/Christopher Cucchiara
The Woodlands Sawmill—Deucebags (15) Captains Saba Kenny/Kristen Perkins

8.0 Flight I
Missouri City Mixed Nuts (14) Captain Devin Le
Sienna Squad (16) Captains Diem Pham/Becky Mattson

8.0 Flight II
The Woodlands Alden Bridge-8.0 (14) Captain Don Adam
MPTC Mixed Drinkers (18) Captain Kien Luu

8.0 Flight III
South Shore Hellions (13) Captain Rebecca Nguyen
The Met Magic (18) Captain Julia Busby

LLTC Swingers (17) Captains Alain and Adriana Tran
MPTC Aces & Tweeners (18) Captain Joemichael Olfindo

Monday Men’s Singles Winners/Runners-Up

LLTC—Z Nation


HFTC—Thunder Thrashers
MPTC—Good Guys

Tuesday Night Ladies Doubles Winners/Runners-Up

Kingwood CC – Goldfish 
LLTC – Lady Aces

Lost Forest – Baby Got Backswing
HFTC – Mighty Mac’s

Cross Creek Ranch – Simply Smashing
Cinco Ranch West – Slammers

New Territory – Passing Shots      
Sweetwater CC – SweetSquare

Kingwood CC – Lady Lobbers
The Woodlands Alden Bridge – 4.0          

MPTC – Top Spinners
Lifetime Baybrook – Get a Grip

LLTC – AD-IN Terminetter
Memorial Club – Double the Fun

Pine Forest – Pine4Us   
Lifetime Cypress – 4.0

MPTC – GNO 4.5
Twin Lakes – Cerve Aces

HFTC – Go Getters
HRC – 4.5

 Wednesday Night Ladies Singles Winners/Runner’s Up

Windsor Park Lakes – Star Aces
Sweetwater CC – SweetSpot

South Shore – Tennis Angels
JCC – Muchas Serve-Aces

Cinco Ranch West – Drop Shots
Royal Oaks – Twirling Savages

LLTC – Sets in the City

Thursday Night Men’s Doubles Winners/Runners-Up

Sienna – Slicers
Rollingwood – Rangers

Memorial Club – Warriors
LLTC – Relics

Cinco Ranch North – Aces
Arbor Park – DrinkTeam

Memorial Forest – 4.0      
LLTC – Racquet Bros

MPTC – Good Guys
MPTC – Double Trouble

MPTC – The Good Guys
LLTC – Racquet Knight

LLTC – Deucebags
Cinco Ranch West – Slammers    

Friday Morning Ladies Doubles Winners/Runners-Up

BARC – 3.5
Golfcrest – Kicking Aces
MPTC – Shock N Awe

Cinco Ranch West – Wild Cards
New Territory – Slice Girls 

Briar Club – 4.0
Cinco Ranch West – Tennis Angels

2022 Spring Junior Team Tennis Flight Winners

10U Intermediate Orange Ball Beginner

  1. Royal Oaks
  2. Enric Red

10U Intermediate Orange Ball Intermediate

  1. Telfair
  2. King Daddy Orange Tornadoes

10U Advanced Green Dot Ball

  1. King Daddy Black Tornadoes
  2. LLTC Green

12U Beginner Yellow Ball

  1. HRC Lester
  2. Telfair

12U Intermediate

  1. Houstonian Red
  2. King Daddy Red Tornadoes

14U Beginner

  1. Royal Oaks
  2. King Daddy Copper Tornadoes

14U Intermediate

  1. King Daddy Blue Tornadoes
  2. Shirshac

18U Intermediate

  1. King Daddy Tornadoes
  2. Houstonian


April 2022 Newsletter


March 2022 Newsletter

To request a Team ID number or form a new team, please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to join, please email Melinda Hampton at


February 2022 Newsletter

Congratulations to the Fall League team winners! Awards are available for pick-up at the HTA office. Following is a list of the first and second-place teams.

2021 HTA Fall League 1st and 2nd Place Teams




2022 Spring JTT Sectional Track Team Registration Open

Sectional TRACK – Advancement to Texas Sectional – Tyler, Texas
    No USTA Membership required.  League Registration fee just $32. 


  • 10U Orange Ball & Green Dot Ball
    10U Orange Ball (Two Levels – Beginner & Intermediate) (Gender Neutral) (no sectional)
                Beginner Criteria:  Serve can be hit in the air or after a bounce from behind the baseline.  Can sustain rallies of 4 or more, hit 50% of serves in, keep score and play matches.     
               Intermediate Criteria:  Players can sustain rallies of 10 or more, hit 80% of serves in and are very experienced in match play and play USTA Junior Circuit tournaments. 
  •    Green Dot Ball (Two Levels – Beginner & Intermediate) (Gender Neutral) Only     Intermediate will advance to sectionals, Beginning division is non-advancing.
               Beginner Criteria:  Serve can be hit in the air or after a bounce from behind the baseline.  Can sustain rallies of 6 or more, hit 50% of serves in, keep score and play matches.
                Intermediate Criteria:  Players can sustain rallies of 10 or more, hit 80% of serves in and are very experienced in match play and play USTA Junior Circuit tournaments.

JTT Ratings (12U Beg Green Dot – 18U Adv)

JTT will not be utilizing NTRP rating bands.  The UTR ratings will be used instead.  Division UTR Ratings and New Formats for 14U Beg and Int are specified below.

  • 12U Beg Green Dot Ball (Gender Neutral) NR (no rating) – 1.9
  • 12U Beg Yellow Ball (Gender Neutral) NR – 2.4
  • 12U Int (Gender Neutral)  3.9 & below
  • 12U Adv (Gender Neutral) 4.0 & above
  • 14U Beg  Must have 1 girl player NR – 2.4
  • 14U Int  Must have 1 girl player 4.9 & below
  • 14U Adv (2 boy/2 girl quota) 5.0 & above
  • 18U Beg (2 boy/2 girl quota) NR – 2.9
  • 18U Int (2 boy/2 girl quota) 3.0 – 5.9
  • 18U Adv (2 boy/2 girl quota) 6.0 & above

Please note JTT will be using the rating bands to determine player eligibility for divisions 12U-18U.  Captains are responsible for ensuring your players are properly rated for the division they are registering.

Players must play in the division they are listed in Net Generation’s PlayTracker System.

Player Ratings may be checked by following this link:
Information on Net Generation PlayTracker System:

JTT Formats

Format – 10U Orange – 12U Adv – Gender neutral, 4 lines of singles, two lines of doubles
Format 14U Beg & 14U Int – Minimum of 1 girl, 1 line girls singles, three lines singles gender neutral, one line of mixed doubles and one line of gender neutral doubles
Format – 14U Adv – 18U – 2 boy/ 2 girl, 2 lines of girls singles, two lines of boys singles, one line of girls doubles, one line of boys doubles

Match Play

Team Play:  Matches will be played on Sunday afternoons from 12-4 pm, depending on home team court availability.  All teams will need to secure courts for their team and are responsible for any applicable court fees.  
Age cut off: May 31, 2022 – All players must be of age through this date to be eligible to play in registered divisions.


JTT 2022 Sectional Track Spring Dates

  • February 11th – Team Registration Deadline (all teams must have the minimum number of players registered by this date)
  • February 27th – JTT Season Begins
  • March 25th – T-Shirt Orders Due
  • April 24th – All Scores Due
  • April 30/May 1st – Playoffs if applicable
  • May 9th – Sectional Registration Deadline
  • May 20-22 – Sectionals Tyler, Texas


Safe Play

All captains must complete the required free background screening.  Please be sure your screening is current (good for two years).
For Information on Safe Play click HERE

Please email Ann Wilde to request a new Team ID number.  Team ID numbers will be issued after captain background screenings have been cleared by Safe Play.


January 2022 Newsletter


Team registration for JTT opens January 14.


December 2021 Newsletter

Fall JTT Season Standings

10U Beginner Orange Ball:  1. HRC Walker; 2. Royal Oaks
10U Intermediate Orange Ball:  1. LLTC Orange; 2. Telfair
10U Intermediate Green Dot:  1. LLTC Eagles; 2. LLTC Green
12U Beginner: 1. Houstonian; 2. Enric
12U Intermediate:  1. Red Tornadoes; 2. Houstonian
14U Beginner: 1. Royal Oaks; 2. Maroon Tornadoes
18U Intermediate:  1. Houstonian; 2. Royal Oaks

Congratulations to the Houston 18U Junior Team Tennis Texas State Champions! The JTT team out of the Houstonian Club captured the title in Georgetown!


November 2021 Newsletter

2022 HTA Spring League Offerings


Tri Level

Tri Level
November 12-14
Homer Ford Tennis Center

Tournament Format

3 lines of doubles (one at each level)

Roster Guidelines

Roster minimum 6 players

Roster maximum 14 players

Use 2019 End of Year ratings

Players may participate on one team only

Levels Offered

Ladies & Men: 3.0/3.5/4.0 or 3.5/4.0/4.5

Important Dates

November 5th Have 6 players registered

November 9th Schedule posted on Tennislink

Tournament winners advance to USTA Texas Sectionals January 28-30

Location: Georgetown/Round Rock

Players must play at least one match locally to play at Sectionals.

National event for the 3.5/4.0/4.5 level only

*Not a National program so the move-up split does not apply*

IMPORTANT Rating Changes/Guidelines for Tri Level.  Please see attached document.   2022 Tri Level Rating Guidelines


October 2021 Newsletter

Tri Level
November 12-14
Homer Ford Tennis Center

Tournament Format

3 lines of doubles (one at each level)

Roster Guidelines

Roster minimum 6 players

Roster maximum 14 players

Use 2019 End of Year ratings

Players may participate on one team only

Levels Offered

Ladies & Men: 3.0/3.5/4.0 or 3.5/4.0/4.5

Important Dates

November 5th Have 6 players registered

November 9th Schedule posted on Tennislink

Tournament winners advance to USTA Texas Sectionals January 28-30

Location: Georgetown/Round Rock

Players must play at least one match locally to play at Sectionals.

National event for the 3.5/4.0/4.5 level only

*Not a National program so the move-up split does not apply*

IMPORTANT Rating Changes/Guidelines for Tri Level.  Please see attached document.   2022 Tri Level Rating Guidelines


September 2021 Newsletter

USTA COMBO Weekend League Tournament Offerings

Winners advance to Sectionals!
September 10-12
Homer Ford Tennis Center

Tournament Format
3 lines of doubles

Roster Guidelines
Roster minimum 6 players
Roster maximum 14 players

Use 2019 End of Year ratings

Players may participate on one team only

Partners’ rating cannot exceed team level

 1.0 or less rating difference allowed for partners

 Levels Offered

 Men 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5

 Ladies 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5

 Important Dates

September 3– Have 6 players registered
September 7– Schedules Posted on Tennislink

 Tournament winners advance to 

USTA Texas Sectionals
October 15-17,  Location Corpus Christi

Players must play at least one match locally to play Sectionals. No National event.

 *Not a National program so the move-up split does not apply*


August 2021 Newsletter

USTA COMBO Weekend League Tournament Offerings

Winners advance to Sectionals!
September 10-12
Homer Ford Tennis Center

Tournament Format
3 lines of doubles

Roster Guidelines
Roster minimum 6 players
Roster maximum 14 players

Use 2019 End of Year ratings

Players may participate on one team only

Partners’ rating cannot exceed team level

 1.0 or less rating difference allowed for partners

 Levels Offered

 Men 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5

 Ladies 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5

 Important Dates

September 3– Have 6 players registered
September 7– Schedules Posted on Tennislink

 Tournament winners advance to 

USTA Texas Sectionals
October 15-17,  Location Corpus Christi

Players must play at least one match locally to play Sectionals. No National event.

 *Not a National program so the move-up split does not apply*

HTA Fall Leagues 
USTA 55 & Over Mixed League
USTA 65 & Over 
Team Registration Open
Contact your captains or form your own team!
USTA 55 & Over Mixed
*Saturday Afternoon – 7.0, 8.0 & 9.0
August 7 – Last Day to Form a Team
August 21 – Play Begins
October 23 – Completion Deadline
HTA Fall Leagues
August 20 – Last Day to Form a Team
September 8 – Play Begins
November 30 – Completion Deadline




July 2021 Newsletter

USTA 65 & Over League Team Registration Open

Deadline to form a team July 31

HTA offers leagues for all men’s and ladies divisions 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0

Men – Wednesday Evenings – August 11

Ladies – Saturday Mornings – August 14

Completion Deadline October 17

 Sectionals Nov. 12-14, New Braunfels

To form a new team please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to play contact Melinda Hampton at


USTA 55 & Over Mixed League Team Registration Open

Deadline to form a team August 7 

HTA offers leagues for mixed divisions 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0

 7.0, 8.0 & 9.0 Mixed –  Saturday Afternoons – Starting August 21

Completion Deadline October 16

 Sectionals November 5-7, Tyler

To form a new team please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to play contact Melinda Hampton at



June 2021 Newsletter

Tentative timeline for Citywide League Tournament

July 2 – All Scores Due

Tuesday, July 6 – 3.5 & 4.0 Ladies at home team facilities 7 p.m. start

Thursday, July 8 – 3.5 & 4.0 Men at home team facilities 7 p.m. start

Friday, July 9 – 3.5 Ladies & One Flight of 4.0 Ladies at LLTC 6 p.m. start

                            3.5 & 4.0 Men at home team facilities 7 p.m. start

Saturday, July 10 – 8 a.m.-6 p.m. all divisions at LLTC

Sunday, July 11 – 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 4.5 Men & Ladies, 3.5 Men, 3.5 & 4.0 Ladies Semifinals


May 2021 Newsletter

Ann Wilde

Melinda Hampton

Four HTA league captains have been named captain mentors to promote leagues in Houston.

From left, Cristina Escamos, Jeff Hechler, Lynda Knight and Rick Cannon have been named Captain Mentors to promote leagues in Houston.

USTA provided the grant for the inaugural Captain Mentoring Program in collaboration with HTA adult, USTA Texas and USTA National leagues.

The captain mentors will assist new captains in navigating the responsibilities and procedures required in captaining a team.

League Coordinator Ann Wilde welcomed the grant, saying, “HTA owes so much gratitude to our captains, old and new.”


April 2021 Newsletter

Ann Wilde

Melinda Hampton

Team registration for USTA 40+ leagues opens on April 2.  

USTA 40 & Over League Team Registration Open

Deadline to form a team April 30

HTA offers leagues for all men’s and ladies divisions 3.0 to 4.5+

USTA 40+ League Offerings

40+ Ladies Wednesday Evening         2 singles/3 doubles        May 12 
40+ Ladies Thursday Day                    2 singles/3 doubles        May 13
40+ Men Monday Evening                  2 singles/3 doubles        May 10 

Completion Deadline July 23

40+ City Wide Championship July 28- August 9 at home team facilities

Team registration fee: $32 plus $3 Tennislink fee.

To form a new team please contact Ann Wilde at

To find a team to play with contact Melinda Hampton at

 All teams may request a Team ID number with a confirmed/approved facility open for league play.

Since March 22, tennis centers have been permitted to host tournaments, leagues and school dual matches.  You can see the announcement at; Monday, March 29 – Tentative reopening based on COVID-19 case numbers (Depending on COVID numbers, reservations will begin on March 22, 2021.) (In compliance with CDC & NRPA guidelines for slowing the spread of COVID-19). Portacans will be available but locker rooms will remain closed.

Due to the construction at MPTC, HTA will not be using this facility for league purposes.  Teams may request a team ID out of Lee LeClear and Homer Ford on a first come, first serve basis.  Captains may request up to two team ID numbers in separate divisions for the same league.

Please note that the 40 & over league format has changed to one line of singles and three lines of doubles.  The league will be utilizing straight NTRP divisions with the exclusion of “+” plus divisions, as in the former 4.5+ division played in previous seasons.